Monday, February 24, 2014

Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State…

This six part series (Netfix) should be required viewing for every High School civics/history class. It is a powerful reminder of the evil that is capable by group think and government. This film proves that anything is possible if a government becomes too powerful and that even if most people believe “that can’t happen here”, it can happen anywhere!

It is amazing to me how people dismiss arguments made by conservatives like me that the government must be held to the constitutional limits our founders set forth in the law of our land. When people are allowed to use government as a weapon against individuals it has become too powerful. What do I mean by a weapon? By taking from one group to give to another group simply because one group has earned more income, that is a weapon. To give ambassadorships, contracts, and tax credits to businesses that align with a politicians views, or people that have donated to a political campaign, you have a situation where the government becomes a weapon against individual Americans.

It is a myth to think the Nazi’s aligned more with the conservative “right wing” than the progressives of today. The Nazis used the hatred of groups to move their evil intentions forward. The Nazis despised the individual and used propaganda to rally groups into supporting the most evil intentions of modern times: the extermination of a race of people. Progressives today distrust individuals to make the right decisions. They use the government to silence speech they disagree with and to promote propaganda that entrenches power in the central government. Progressives use taxation to pit groups against each other like the “rich” and the “poor.” Leftists believe they need to control the minds of the children and hate home schooling or any schooling they can’t control.

When you watch this gut wrenching documentary you can’t help but keep asking yourself; where was the outrage? Where was the resistance outside the Jewish community? Where were the individuals speaking out against all of this evil? The answer becomes painfully clear: no one could believe this was happening; even the Jews that were the target of the evil. This evil was perpetuated because people ignored it, and could not believe people could be that evil or believed the propaganda that it was all the problems were the fault of the Jews.

Today we have an administration that is rewarding friends and punishing enemies by using the power of the government. This administration is spying on Americans and ignoring the 4th amendment. We are seeing the constant vilification of conservative groups for resisting the expansion of bureaucratic and political power and using the IRS to target them. There is a constant drum of envy, jealousy, and demonization of the “rich.” We have the media unwilling to question the policies or corruption of this administration. There is a constant assault on the 2nd amendment and a blatant attempt to disarm law abiding citizens while ignoring unlawful behavior.

When you pay attention you realize how easily groups of people can justify almost any behavior. The propaganda is so prevalent it helps you understand how the former SS agents at Auschwitz could justify their actions and role in working in “death factories.”  It shows you that the human survival mechanism is so strong it can justify almost any behavior.

The lesson of Auschwitz is that no evil is beyond the human condition. The only remedy to that is to speak out well before the evil reaches the point that instills fear or retribution in the good people. The insurance of a well -armed individual citizenry against the evil of governments must be maintained. If the Jews had weapons would Hitler have succeeded? The lesson and the power of our US Constitution that empowers individuals over groups is why freedom has been so successful here in America. We must keep our eye on every politician and remain a Constitutional Republic in order to counter the elements that made Auschwitz a possibility…

Monday, February 17, 2014

George Washington’s Birthday

He could have been King but he would have none of it. He was a man that believed in the miracle of the Constitution and what America represented to the citizens and the world. The people of an infant America so loved this man they would have gladly empowered him to rule over the new country. But knowing the importance of his actions in office he set in motion the reality of a balanced form of government ruled by the people’s consent.

The term “President’s Day” was started as a way to celebrate the office of the presidency but that would mean it should be the presidency day. Not so sexy! But the important thing to realize is that not all Presidents are equal and it is especially profound when you compare this President and George Washington. Actually there is no comparison but I will try.

George Washington loved this country in every fiber of his body. He battled for our independence and risked everything for the country and his soldiers. It was not uncommon for GW to be leading his men into battle from the front. To suggest that leadership could ever be done from the rear would have been a foreign concept to him. He believed in the people and their ability to rule themselves. He believed in Divine Providence. He was appalled by slavery even though he owned slaves as was common for many of the founders. They inherited a system that only the words and ideals of the Constitution could set in motion to change and be the first country to abolish the appalling practice.

GW believed that if people were given freedom they could achieve anything they set their mind to. He understood that the soldier was worthy of praise and celebration and fought with his every ability to get his troops paid, supplied, and a small stipend for all of the sacrifices they made for the country he help found and loved. He was a patriot through and through!

When you read about him as I have done on many occasions you can’t help but love the man for his commitment and love for the opportunity this country represented for the people he so wanted to empower. He was not known to be a great orator but he was known to be eloquent in his thoughts and ideals. He was selfless in his commitment to leave a path for those after him to be free from the dominance of any King.

As I write just a few of my thoughts about this great man I feel no need to compare because the contrast is so glaring. George Washington would be proud that a black man could become president in the nation he helped found but he would be disappointed that the same man despised the American Dream to such a degree. He would have wondered how a nation that gave every citizen the same opportunity would be so criticized for some perceived unfairness. He would be confused.

George Washington would wonder why a current President would be doing so much to destroy a nation that gave him endless opportunity. GW would have quickly figured out that the nation was again in trouble. He would see many of the same elements that created the revolution he commanded. He would stand again for the freedom of the American people from a dangerous despotism.

George Washington as a President is worthy of celebration…

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Truth Can Be Uncomfortable

Speaking anything but the truth is not an option for me. But what is the truth? Is the truth only about facts? Is the truth only what is accepted by most to be reality? Are there variations on the truth? Can truth be relative?

If a drunk driving accident is responsible for killing a child, and the drunk driver is in this country illegally, how should the accident be reported? Is the truth that the person is in the country illegally important to the reporting of this story? If you are the parent does it matter?

If the government is charged by law to protect our borders but chooses to look the other way what should be done? If our southern border is being overrun by illegals from Mexico (62% of illegals), drug runners, and a variety of unknown and possibly dangerous people, should we hold them accountable for the crimes and harm to our country?  

If members of a particular political party are determined to fundamentally transform the country they have sworn to protect and uphold should they be asked how that squares with their oath of office by the people that cover them in the media? And for a political party to put business interests over the country’s interest shouldn’t we know why they are ignoring the truth?

The current immigration laws or lack of enforcement are hurting this country. It is a fact. The people that have been coming into this country illegally and legally in some cases are no longer coming here for the American Dream. The majority are coming here to take advantage of the benefits we have and to take advantage of the wealth producers in this nation.  Immigration should be halted until we can analyze the net effects on our culture and economy. A study done by the Federation for American Immigration Reform finds Illegal Immigration costs Americans $113 Billion dollars a year (;security=1601&news_iv_ctrl=1761  ). This is the net cost after adjusting for the taxes and economic activity created by illegals. That’s a $1000 a year per head of household. They also found most illegal aliens don’t pay federal income taxes and if they do they get it back in their tax returns. The criminal costs are astronomical.

These are not the type of immigrants that should be welcome in America.

The reason politicians focus on the children of immigrants is because as Americans we have a soft spot for children and pets by the way. So it is no surprise shifty politicians play those strings. But these children are not a justification for destroying our children’s future. It is a straw man argument.

So why are politicians working against the people they represent and for the people that don’t belong here? The answer: One of the political parties is looking for voters to remain in power and the other group is looking to provide cheap labor to their constituents.

Truth be told, we need to have a truthful conversation about immigration and the effects on our children’s future and we must hold representatives accountable that vote against our interests. It is our children that deserve what this country offers. It may be uncomfortable to see the children of other nations to suffer but not at the peril of our children.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why the Law Matters and a Case for Impeachment

The President of the United States has broken the law. He has decided that he and he alone would change the dates that a penalty against employers that don’t offer health insurance to their employees takes effect. In part this section of the law states: “The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after Dec. 31, 2013."   Words mean things in the context of law. They may have many meanings in politics but in law words have specific purpose and meaning.

The word “shall” leaves no room for doubt. It shall be done does not translate to it should be done. So how can a President change a law without changing a law through the legislative body of the House in Congress? That is the process to change the law as laid out in our Constitution (The Law of the Land). The answer is he can’t. He can’t unless of course he is not challenged. I am not talking about phony outrage from our elected officials I’m talking about real action. Impeachment would be a good start.

The other way is civil disobedience. Since the President now has shown the people he reports to, we the people, that laws are no longer firm and resolved but soft and malleable, we should all follow the lead of the president and only follow the laws the way we interpret them. For example, it is tax season and for those of us that owe money to the government we should follow the President’s lead in making our payment. Instead of we shall submit payment by April 15th or be subject to a fine, we can simply extend the deadline out a year or whenever we choose to pay the tax bill. You see, the IRS works for the American people and now that we no longer have to follow the “letter of the law” according to the President, then why shall we? The words in the law no longer have meaning.

This is a nation built on the rule of law. Business is conducted through contracts that are carefully crafted word for word to define the terms that the parties agree to in their conduct of business between each other.  If those words can be interpreted in creative ways or ignored completely where does our economy turn to in a dispute? If either party to a contract can simply ignore the terms of a contract how long before the country and the economy collapse?

You see the law is what separates great economies from unstable economies. The law and our moral fiber to obey those laws are the underpinning of this great nation. The US Constitution is the law of this land and the laws of this land can’t be ignored if we hope to remain free and prosperous.

This President is lawless and the disappointing aspect is he is a trained lawyer. He is sticking a pencil in the eye of every lawyer, and law abiding citizen in this country. If he is allowed to get away with this anarchy is not far away. He must be held accountable and that mechanism is impeachment.

Impeachment is the remedy for government officials that fail to follow and obey the law. The President is not above the law. In this country no one is. It is time for every representative in government to defend the Constitution they have sworn to protect.
**Definition of Impeachment: Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Is Work Optional?

It is becoming apparent that our current administration and many members of the left in this country have a different view of work from what most Americans grew up believing. The left believes that one of the “benefits” of Obamacare is that people no longer have to worry about working in order to have health insurance. The left keeps expanding welfare; Medicaid, food stamps, section 8 housing, school lunch, expanded early childhood education, expanded post education freebees , and the list goes on.

I have a question for the left: Is welfare supposed to be temporary or permanent? Are we supposed to believe that these programs should be considered a way of life? Or should we be looking at these programs as a temporary bridge between jobs?

I have a question for the right: Is work optional? Do we still believe that work is part of what makes us who we are as a person and a nation?

If welfare is now becoming a way of life, how much money and how many benefits are going to be enough? As welfare becomes acceptable as a lifestyle, how much money will have to be taken from productive people in the country? At what point do Americans stop working and get on the slacker wagon? As a productive American at some point you have to be an idiot to continue working.

If work still defines who we are as a person and nation, how do we stop this transformation that has been perpetuated by Obama and the left? What is the plan to stop the assault on the people that make this country work? Because if work becomes optional this country as we know it is over and we are headed for an awakening like no other in our Nation’s history.

The people that are no longer looking for work have fallen victim to an assault and coup of this country by the communist left. Most Americans have not come to the realization yet that we are currently being taken over from within. The current Democratic Party is not the traditional party that valued work. It has been taken over by a fringe group that hates what this country stands for and they have figured out how to ruin it. They have figured out that the people are too disinterested to realize that there are people that hate this country amongst us. The left running this country do not have good intentions, they are evil.

The left knows that they could never take over this country through violent means because most Americans still believe in our founding principles. But the left has successfully infiltrated education, labor, and government at every level. They have figured out that this government protects the minority and they have used that feature to promote their minority views. It is a brilliant strategy. Once the country becomes dependent on these programs the country will not vote to end them. But the dirty little secret is they are not sustainable.

The people that love this country must wake up or we are doomed. I thought the 2012 presidential election was going to right the ship but I was wrong. I am hoping the 2014 midterm elections will be a first step in taking back our country but I may be wrong again. It may be too late to expect a party, the Republican Party to win elections promising to limit the programs that the left has used to take over this country. I hope I am wrong about the “Right”. They will have to find a message of opportunity and a messenger that understands that work is not optional, it is who we are as Americans…

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This Administration Does Not Reflect Americans

Jason Furman is an economic advisor to President Obama. His resume is impressive if you think getting educational degrees is somehow pertinent to understanding how America and its economy work. You see, the delusion that academics are synonymous with common sense is undermining the future of this country. Has been for far too many years!

I have a college education but I can tell you my greatest learning came from my childhood growing up in NY in a “working class” family. (I don’t believe that America has classes; we all are part of the opportunity class). Back to my point. The greatest learning in America comes from childhood experiences, jobs we have held, people that have mentored us, and our overall experiences.

College is about education, life is about training. Education is the art of learning about things. Training is about learning how to do things. Huge distinction. At the University I attended there were “perpetual students.” These students were often found at the campus pub debating philosophy and science over a pitcher of beer. They also had multiple degrees. They held an undergraduate degree or two, maybe already had a Masters or two, and often working on a PHD or two. None of them with the intention of using those degrees beyond teaching others how to get those degrees.

There is a big difference between perpetual students and the people that had to work every break to pay for their education. Often students like me started as a paperboy, busboy, waiter, bartender, garbage man, and other odd jobs to pay for education to then return to be a productive member of society in the private sector. Learning from every job to secure a better job. Learning how business worked from sales to management, accounting to operations and so on. Observing and learning hands on how to be successful but not absolved from failure. Observing, trying, learning and changing accordingly.

The economy of the United States is a reflection of people that have been observing, learning, trying, failing, and succeeding in industries as varied as food service to nuclear engineering. Most business people in America observe and create products and services based on their experience in the economy and some become successful and some fail. But they all learn what works and what does not work.

Every one of these people would be a better choice as an economic advisor over the perpetual student. Because you see the perpetual student is insulated from what happens as a result of their theories in the real world. They write papers to get a passing grade. Entrepreneurs start businesses to survive. If a perpetual student gets a bad grade they re-write their paper. If an entrepreneur does not execute effectively they can lose everything. There are real consequences.

This administration in particular, but in many administrations for far too long, there has been a propensity to hire academics. Academics are ruining this country because they are supporting policies that don’t work in the real world. If they had the sense of any business person they would know that. We need to start hiring economic advisors that have actually worked in the economy they pretend to understand…